Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Concessions Letter

Bahagia Hospital
Bahagia Street No. 100
Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Telephone : 021-7712345

6th October, 2017
Santoso Purwono
Patient of Bahagia Hospital
Merdeka Raya Street No. 6
Depok, West Java, Indonesia

Dear Sir,              
We hereby grant discounted concession requests to patients in need with patient ref. no. XCSDC. Provided that you attach a copy of KTP, a copy of ASKES, a copy of KK, and a copy of medical bill. We assure you of our best attention.

Best regards,

Agus Haryono

Managing Director Bahagia Hospital.


Concessions Letter

Concessions is the result of the negotiations (for example: result for obtaining better prices, terms or a shorter time for delivery from counter-proposals letter).

This letter is intended to give results (accept/reject) from the negotiation letter that has been filed by the customer to us.     


Surat Konsesi                                                                                                       

Konsesi adalah surat hasil negosiasi (misalnya: hasil untuk memperoleh harga, persyaratan, atau waktu pengiriman yang lebih baik dari surat tanggapan).

Surat ini diperuntukan memberikan hasil (menerima/menolak) dari surat negosiasi yang telah diajukan oleh pelanggan kepada kita.
